Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Antibody= against everyone
Artery= the study of fine paintings
Bacteria= back door to a cafeteria
Benign = what you be after you be eight
Bowel = letters like a,e,i,o,u
Caesarian Section = a district of Rome
Cardiology = advanced study of Poker playing
Cat Scan = searching for lost kitty
Chronic = neck of a crow
Coma = punctuation mark
Cortisone = area around local court
Cyst = short for sister
Diagnosis = person with slanted nose
Dilate = the late british Pricess Diana
Dislocation = in this place
Duodenum = couple in blue jeans
Enema = not a friend
Genes = blue denim
Groin = to mash to a pulp/smile
Hernia = she is close by
Hymen = greeting to several males
Impotent = distinguished
Rupture = Ecstasy
Secretion = hiding anything
Subcutaneous = not cute enough
Tablet = small table
Tumour = extra pair
Ultrasound = radical noise
Urine = opposite of you're out
Varicose = very close
今天的checklist是:neurotranmission substances, acetylcholine->cholinegic, adrenaline->adrenergic, Excitatory postsynaps potential(EPSP), Inhibitory postsynaps potential(IPSP), acetylcholinesterase(AChE), synaptic knob, synaptic gap/cleft.
今天看到white board上的Excitatory synapse,突然又窃窃笑^^..想到哪里去了?*敲头*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aiyoyo,pH7 here...quite surprise to see u have jote down a lot info for ur blog...good good,keep it up..wish u fast fast recover from sick la,nice to know u although din have much time to hang out together...got time we come out yamcha talk long long la,speaking of long long,tink of elongated columnar cell d,haha....too much bio >.<
Take care then ^^